"Tag" is a 2018 comedy film starring Jeremy Renner alongside Ed Helms, Jon Hamm, Jake Johnson, and Hannibal Buress. Based on a true story, it follows a group of childhood friends who have been playing an intense, annual game of tag for 30 years. Their elaborate strategies, disguises, and cross-country chases show the lengths they go to tag one another. Renner’s character, Jerry, is the elusive champion who’s never been tagged, making him the prime target that year.
We`re doing a food drive this week for the Interfaith Food Pantry, and we`ll give you a couple points for your generosity.
Join us this Tuesday at 7:30pm at @VintageTavern2022 at 342 Valley Rd, Gillette to Compete While You Eat (and Drink!), Wednesday night at 7:00 at @GlenbrookBrewery, 95 Morris St, Morristown or Thursday night at 7:00 at @DiamondSpringBrewing at 50 Broadway, Denville to think while you drink!
Vintage Tavern has a full bar and extensive food menu. The breweries are BYO Food, so it`s a great excuse to order some takeout from any of Morristown and Denville`s excellent restaurants - many within walking distance!
Prizes every week, free to play!
As always, visit our pages on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday for this week`s Clue Club!
#hinthint #clueclub #njfun #newjersey #bestmentrivia #morriscountynj #trivia #njtrivia #trivianj #bar #brewery #bartrivia #brewerytrivia #glenbrook #glenbrookbrewery #vintagetavern #diamondspringbrewing #denville #denvillenj #drinkwhileyouthink #thinkwhileyoudrink #morristowntrivia #competewhileyoueat #morriscountytrivia #gillettenjtrivia